Over thinking is the classic example of Procrastination

Procrastination is the thief of time!

Have you ever had a feeling about doing something really important but ignoring it till the last minute? Or maybe there is something really important to be done but you don’t feel like doing it and opt for something less important only to boost your mood? We all have been through these feelings, what is it? Procrastination!

There is a very famous saying, “Time and Tide wait for no Man”. You cannot control time and tide, but what you can do is, you can manage time by not delaying things, postponing important matters for tomorrow as you don’t feel like doing it today. As for tide…..Well, Learn to Swim!

Lack of Will Power leads to over thinking! You keep on thinking about doing something but you actually fool yourself by not doing it. Many people procrastinate to some extent but some people overdo it which leads to countless problems! They risk losing their future, health, career, life, family and everything else. The key to this damaging habit is to realize what is important now and what can be delayed for future. Time management is very important, prioritizing tasks and matters will help you overcome procrastination.


Over thinking can be very destructive! You will create a problem that wasn’t even there. How to overcome this problem?

  1. Prioritize what matters more: Over thinking can lead you to think about even the petty things in life which in reality have no importance. Learn to ignore things, stop thinking short term and ask yourself this question, whether this will matter in 2 years or 2 weeks? See things in a wider perspective and apply time management only then you will realize that you were only delaying the inevitable.
  2. Acknowledge your ability: No task is too difficult of even impossible, it may take time to finish something or achieve your goals. All you have to do is stop thinking and start doing it immediately, this will not only give you confidence but also reflect on your abilities to handle things that are more important.
  3. Commit to what you’re supposed to do: Stop thinking to delay your work for tomorrow, make up your mind and aim for success! Do not be scared, thinking you will fail. Stay in the present and stop worrying about the past because what is done is done and the future will hold that, what you do now.
  4. Nothing is perfect, focus on what is important: Over thinking will lead you to many possible outcomes but you will never be able who sells the best replica watches to decide what is perfect. Just focus on what will work for you even if it’s not perfect. Just start doing it because you don’t always get a smooth start.

To get rid of procrastination in the form of over thinking, find ways to spend more of your time and attention with the people and sources that have a positive effect on your thinking and less on the influences that tends to strengthen your over thinking habit. If you have ideas about something, jot them down as they come. Manage your time and strengthen your will power by Starting Now!

5 Easy Steps to Create Content That Others Remember

We read so many blogposts in a day, out of which only 10% is what we remember that too for ONLY next two days.. 

With million of blogs, e-magazines and social network updates.. It’s really hard to make your content stand out. The crux of it will be:

  • Present the main idea in the very start so that the reader’s attention is towards the content throughout.
  • Be outspoken! Readers like to read straight forward people who say things outrightly without toning it down.
  • Be precise and to the point so that the readers don’t get bored with the content.
  • Talk like you will with your best buddies. No need to go all formal when it comes to writing!

10841470_833108843398393_438351683_n1- Keeping the Content as Concise as Possible: Studies have shown that readers don’t usually read all the content and skim through for important ideas and points. Get to the point as quickly as possible because the readers tend to get bored if they have to read long sentences and paragraphs. Cut out unnecessary information by providing the main points. Always use easy-to-understand English, shorter sentences, words which are spoken on daily basis and also use those phrases which are very common.

2- Use of Heading: Makes it easier to look for what we want. Headings helps us compartmentalize the information, thus making it simple to process all the information. Remember! While using headings use simple words so that readers can skim through the content and directly search for what they need information about.

3- Highlighting important points into italics and bold: By doing this, it will catch the reader’s attention. Important points and information can be converted into italics and bold so that they stand out in the paragraph and gain attention immediately. Another important tip is to break the paragraph into bullet points, because it looks good and readers tend to read bullet point rather reading a whole paragraph.

4- Information should be prominent: The reason is, web is based on information and people look for relevant information while searching online. We have to provide relevant information about what the reader is looking for. Readers who use the web for content reading behave differently from the readers who use books and printed content. If the content doesn’t provide specific information as per reader’s requirements then the content is of no use.

5- Visuals should be used Cleverly: A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words! Using visuals and graphic images can really help boost the content because pictures and images tend to attract people more that words and sentences. But make sure that the pictures used in the content must support the text otherwise they are meaningless and useless.


Selfie Stick, Innovation of the year 2014!

640x480xExtendable-Handheld-Selfie-Stick.jpg.pagespeed.ic.uD7aaFH6m6Selfie is something everyone is familiar with now a days. Actually in 2013, Selfie gained popularity and was named word of the year by Oxford Dictionary.

Quite productive, isn’t it?

People from all ages, color and religion are obsessed with taking pictures of themselves. Taking our own picture is quite difficult on many levels, holding our mobile phones literally two feet away and fitting more people into that shot! Faces are stretched, people standing on the edges get their face cut off, blurry images. So the question which arose after all these problems was “How to take better Selfies from a good distance without asking any stranger for help”.

Remember the old days when people used to have those big tripods on which they would set their camera’s and then switch to auto timer for taking pictures of themselves. Times have changed! Mobile phones have taken over camera’s because smart phones have high pixel camera’s built in so tripods are almost obsolete. In comes the “Selfie Stick”, innovation of the year 2014! Selfies were never this easy to take! Selfie Stick is a long monopod with a handle on one side to hold and a mobile holder on the other end. Selfie Sticks are made for almost all the smart phones so everyone can benefit from it. Although Selfie Stick has not topped into the 100 list of Amazon’s Cell Phone Accessories but still it has gained popularity wide enough that people all over the world think how awesome it is! Taking a Selfie in front of the whole Eiffel tower was never this easy. The Selfie Stick can help you snap that beautiful background which was never possible while taking a Selfie with your own hand.

selfie stick

The Selfie Stick trend is catching on because of the Selfie Obsession. Selfie Sticks are very innovative, fun and start with a very low price so that almost everyone can purchase it for taking good pictures of themselves. As the technology keeps getting better and better, manufacturers are improving Selfie Sticks by adding excellent features like bluetooth shutter control, self-timers, remote control.

Still many people criticize the use of Selfie Sticks because they think the purpose of taking a Selfie is destroyed by the use of a mechanical stick or monopod. They are of the view that a perfect Selfie is to be taken by a person’s own hand stretched to the fullest. Well things have changed, the growing popularity of Selfie Sticks have proved that they are here to stay and dominate the cell phone accessories because everyone wants better Selfies!

No more low quality pictures because the Selfie Stick lets you be in control of your own picture!

Strength.. in real life

We’ve all seen movies in which it takes one life changing event for a guy to fix everything in his life.. It takes him 2 hours of courage and strength to change his life forever..

But what about real life?

When we live our life day by day.. Things like death seems very distant. We live one day at a time and often ponder about how we want our life to be in near future. What we don’t realise is that we might not be physically strong at that point of time. Family, love, work... all the novelties quickly become habits. 

The strength that is crucial to survive in this age is the one by which you wake up every day, perform your daily tasks and actually stand up for those who you love. No therapy or yoga can teach you how to gain this strength. It only comes from within yourself when you accept that only you can take control of your life and no one else.


I’ve read about many mindfulness techniques and programmes which are known to change your life with a magical trick (only after you deposit few dollars ofcourse). I’ve seen people spending half of their lives in just trying to learn how to magically deal with painful thoughts or difficult feelings. Sadly, these are nothing more than placebo effect (which works for many of us!)

Only life can teach us this art to live, smile and also support others, even when you feel overwhelmed inside. Since the day I realized that only I am ultimate source of happiness, I stopped clinging on other remedies.

Think about it. If you being the supreme species can’t figure out what’s wrong inside you, how can others (who are exactly like you), transform you into superman?

Don’t fall for scams..

Trust yourself..

Trust your instincts and stop clinging on meaningless things.

I know it’s hard to believe that you can survive alone when you are alone in desert  but that palm tree which you are clinging on to, won’t make your journey any easy. It will actually stop you from moving forward… decreasing any chances of possible survival. 

So Ello Is No Facebook Killer!

Ello, a Facebook Killer?

Well we have all heard this before, haven’t we? We have a new social media contender named as “ELLO” which was launched back in August, 2014 but it came to prominence in September. Since its launch many social media “Guru’s” are of mind that Ello is going to derail Facebook for good.

I was of the same opinion but then I got an invite to Ello 🙂


“Simple, beautiful & ad-free”, this is Ello’s tagline and Ello has delivered on this very nicely. Ello is totally against advertising because they think an ad-free interactive social media platform can provide the best experience, unlike Facebook, Twitter and other social media platforms who clutter the user experience (as per Ello’s Creators claim). Ello believes in total privacy for its users so it is the main reason there is no ad policy. Ello is easy to use no doubt but it lacks many features which users like and use other social media platforms for. Features as simple as “like” is not present in Ello! Many of the most common features provided by the other social networking platforms are missing, such as

  • Lists/Circles are replaced with Friends and Noise for segmentation of friends and family.
  • Cannot link anything because there are no Hashtags/Keywords.
  • A key feature such as Group Messaging is nowhere to be found.
  • Search is not well defined and detailed.
  • There is no Mobile App for Ello, users are confined to their personal computers.

And the list above has many more favorite features to add.

Facebook is something which has grown into a giant and there is no way another social media network can slay this giant. People are attached to Facebook, they have built memories with Facebook that will last forever! The user experience on Ello is nowhere near what Facebook is offering, even with those pesky ads, people will always prefer Facebook.

What if a friend or follower of yours post something on Ello and you don’t like the post, you have only two options either put him in Noise or keep him in Friends. Well that is worrisome, because he is going to the same! In famous platforms such as Facebook you can simply hide that particular post and let your “friend” stay in “Friends”.

The creators of Ello appear to had enough creative vision , but now as things are getting clearer, founders of Ello are of the opinion themselves that, it is not possible to gain popularity on Facebook’s level.

In case of Ello vs Facebook, only time will tell the real story of what is going to happen in future. Although I still don’t take Ello as a competitor of Facebook. 

7 Reasons Why Smart Phones Are Destroying Our Health

This century is the age of miracles, technological advancements, globalization, new ventures and everything that was not even imaginable a few decades ago!

NASA landed a manned space craft on the Moon, on 20 July 1969….

The European Space Agency has made history by successfully landing a robot on a comet in deep space …

Long ago, smartphones were an upgrade to walkie-talkies and started off like normal wireless talking devices only used by businessmen or people of the corporate sector. But now smartphones are more smarter than those carrying them in hand!

They make our lives easy.. bit too easy I must say. Hence, it brings with it countless problems too, health issues, privacy threats, social disconnection are a few in a long list by various scientist round the globe but are we listening? 🙂


1- Wasting More Time: Smartphones come with option to add ‘almost’ unlimited apps! Majority of which are free of cost.Even the Pope requested young generation to stop wasting time on mobile phones! We have so many things to explore each day. So many apps that we have to go to try if we use iPhone or Andriod. It’s like a trap with no exit!

2- Radiations: Mobile phones are operated via network signal and batteries charged with electricity so we all must know that they emit radiation which can cause cancer and damage tissues where the mobile is being held. Numerous studies have proved this over and over again so just tell me one thing, isn’t your life precious enough to be wasted by using a lifeless object which you are going to dump every 4 months because a new model has arrived!

3- Lost Social Connections: Just tell me something honestly, when was the last time you had real social gathering with your loved ones and family and friends? 5 months ago? What were you doing in that event? Using your smartphone huh? That’s how we actually lost the connection with loved ones.. 

4- Less Time for Physical Activities: Talking of physical activities have you heard a 34 year old female in Spain was diagnosed with a disease named as WhatsAppitis! Woah! That is Crazy, right? You must be thinking when you have exercise and workout apps installed in your mobiles why go out and sweat! C’mon people these mobiles are not going to sweat for you, you need to get out and start working out, breath fresh air so that your mind gets revitalized and takes you up on your A-Game.

5- Eye Sight Issue: Yet another dilemma! Staring all day long on screens of your personal laptops and computers wasn’t enough; you got yourselves a fancy mobile, increasing the possibility of increasing your eye sight issues. I know what you do at night, lie down in your beds, turn off the lights, raise your hands and put your mobile in front of your face just a few inches away from your eyes.. Wonder when that mobile slips from your hand, falls on your head and the bell rings.

6- Decrease in Productivity: From apps like Candy Crush, The Sims to long group conversations on WhatsApp.. There are many distractions to keep you awake all night. THAT results in a lethargic early morning which leads to half dead brain which leads to less or NO PRODUCTIVITY AT ALL! Too much leading on, but its true and you know it.

7- Short Attention Span: Well having too many apps in your mobile doesn’t prove anything, except you will have no idea which news or article or which current topic or happening to focus on! We act like we know everything because we know something of everything but that isn’t knowing everything right? —> Due to overload of dissemination of information, our attention span is as low as 5 seconds!

 Do let me know what’s your take on this.. 


Amazing Ways Of Getting Investment For Your Next BIG Idea!

I am sure most of you are aware with the concept of Crowdfunding. For those who aren’t, Crowdfunding is actually raising money online, from different investors for start-up entrepreneurs and small businesses”

 elveos_crowdfunding_schemeSimple, yeah?  People are raising millions of dollars online through such opportunities..

Many people have brilliant ideas to start new ventures but sadly they lack the capital required to setup the business. Through crowdfunding, entrepreneurs and start-up business owners who need investment to support their new business can raise money from potential investors.

The gap between the investor and the entrepreneur should be close in order for this to work..

Let us discuss now what both entrepreneurs and investors have to go through to make crowdfunding a success. Entrepreneurs who are thinking about starting a new business should follow these basic steps and after a positive result, reap the delicious fruit of success.

For Entreprenuers:

“So are entrepreneurs made or are they only natural born leaders who transform themselves into a brilliant entrepreneur?”

So what to do if you are an entrepreneur? For starters you need to think of a solid idea and focus on it and by focus I mean not only short term, but very long term. Think how this new venture will turn out in near future, how this new business is different from others so that it may sell like hot cakes, think where you are right now and after this business starts where can you be. You need to consider the yeas! and nays! If you want to sell your idea to a potential investor you must be a 100% ready because excuses won’t cut it when the big day comes. “Focus on your campaign, keep engaging with the contributors, as soon as you start getting investment you need to expand your reach and publicize your project”.

For Investors:

Are you as an investor looking for new ventures or to start work on a bright idea presented by a brilliant entrepreneur? If your answer is yes, your day is going to brighten up trust me! Now this is what you need to understand that, when you make up your mind to invest in a new venture you are putting your own earnings, money online for someone else’s idea. You need to believe in that idea and that person, you need to trust him. No one can guarantee whether the business will work or not but that’s a risk which every investor face!

I personally think that the most important factor in early stage venture capital is backing exceptionally talented founders who deliver what they promise.. 

So you see what a marvellous thing “Crowdfunding” actually is!

Here are a few of the top Crowdfunding websites which might help you find a better entrepreneur or an investor,






Good luck to entrepreneurs for getting their unique ideas funded and also to investors so that they can enjoy return on investment! 


Best (and free) Apps for Entrepreneurs/Startups

Greetings Fellow Entrepreneurs!

Technology today is breaking all the barriers as if there is no limit to it or in easy words “sky is the limit”. People are looking for quick and easy ways to complete tasks at hand. Multitasking was an option back in the day but today businessman, entrepreneurs, workers, supervisors, managers simply cannot survive without multitasking. To make things easy and simple many useful applications both for laptops and mobile phones are being developed. Some of these wonderful applications are reviewed in this blog.

These applications are most useful for Entrepreneurs, due to many solid reasons. First of all the most amazing thing about these applications is, that they are absolutely free of cost and work incredibly. Secondly these applications are user friendly. Another fantastic thing is that, these applications can also be interlinked with each other so that no task is missed while heavy multitasking. These applications are a life line for any entrepreneur.

Time and time again it is proven that, entrepreneurs are known to be the masters of efficiency, right? Besides having an amazing team to support the venture, entrepreneurs can utilize highly advanced applications to keep them on their best level. These amazing applications increase productivity and efficiency.


Do you need to manage your financials? Well you are in luck then because we have just an application to help you manage your personal finances. Spendee is the application you are looking for, because it gives you the unique power of data analysis in a flexible environment and also automatically and thoroughly analyzes your income, expenses and finances, providing you with a brilliant advice on how to manage your money. The app is beautifully designed with a user friendly. Just put the numbers in and wait for the analysis and be amazed with the perfect results with all the required information.


Main Features:

• Intelligent and user friendly.
• Adding a new financial transaction is quick and simple.
• Create a new transaction in seconds.
• Easily editable categories according to user needs.
• Quick and precise notifications for everyday expenses and income.
• Keep a record of your bills and statements by taking photos of them and storing in Spendee.
• Brilliant layout with easy info-graphics option.
• All the data can be synced or transitioned to excel, C-S-V or Google Drive.


Slack is perfect for team communication which includes personal one to one communication or group communication with everyone in real time. Every file, communication, member, folder, image is searchable with quick search bar. Slack helps to work efficiently and reduces the need to use email to communicate because it can be accessed with both mobile phones and a personal laptop. That’s Slack !


Main Features:

• Create open channels for the projects, group tasks and topic for discussion which the whole team can share and see to participate.
• Channels increase easy access by putting knowledge in front of everyone.
• Complete history of search, communication and documents across all channels are available.
• Channels include private and public instant messages, files & comments, with options of images and video.
• Auto complete feature helps to mention teammates rapidly and easy.
• Push notifications for desktop, mobile phones, and also for email keep you up to date.
• Private and public communication is also supported.
• Files shared on Slack never disappear and stay safe in history.
• Google Docs and Dropbox keep external files in sync.
• Slack is being affiliated with many applications every day.
• Mobile application is also available both for an iPhone and Android.
• Easy file browsing lets you find exactly what you need.


Starting a new business? Then “Knock some sense into marketing” with Primer. Primer is a wonderful application that is for marketing new business and ventures. Primer provides real work experience while marketing for the new start up. Laced with case studies, insider tips and interactive quizzes, Primer teaches you how to promote your new business, get more customers and avoid commonly made mistakes. .

Main Features:Screen-Shot-2014-10-10-at-10.20.18

• Content Marketing: PR, Search Engine Marketing.
• Primer also works offline: Learn marketing everywhere, even if you are travelling in the subway, flying in an airplane or even someplace that has no connection to outside world.
• Out-Of-App Learning: when you learn something new apply it by using interactive quizzes and be amazed with the positive results.
• A new program by Google Incorporation.


Found new articles, images, videos or some other interesting content on the web but don’t have time to read or see it? Well we have a solution for this with the help of a brilliant application known as Pocket. With the help of Pocket organize and share the content with anyone anytime, on any device, even offline!
Keep a track of the exciting things you find by sending an email of the links to yourself, bookmark links, or simply save tabs in your personal browser for later time. Use Pocket to save content for later.


Main Features:

• Save articles, news stories, blog posts, videos, recipes, and any web links that you find online or from your favourite apps.
• If it’s in Pocket, it’s seamlessly synced across your phone, tablet, and computer. Perfect for commutes, travel, or curling up on your couch.
• Pocket even works when you’re offline. Access links and articles you’ve saved even without an Internet connection. You can also set Pocket to only download when connected to Wi-Fi to reduce data usage.
• Archive or Favourite links you’ve read or watched. Add Tags to organize related content into topics or categories and stay in sync across all your devices.
• Whether you’re browsing online or on-the-go with apps like Flipboard and Feedly, Pocket lets you save great content wherever you find it. You can save for later with a single click from any share menu on your phone or your computer using our Browser Extensions or bookmark lets for Chrome, Safari, Firefox, and Internet Explorer. After you’re done reading or watching, send the articles and videos you enjoyed to another friend’s Pocket, or share to Facebook, Twitter, Evernote, or email.
• Save as many articles, videos and links as you want. Pocket will highlight the best and most relevant items in your list, organized by topic, source, and length, so that you can always find something interesting to read or watch.


With less and less time in hand, heavy multitasking and loads of documents changing hands in a matter of minutes and seconds, email is kind of getting obsolete. Team work requires a faster way to communicate and figure out what every member is talking about and giving ideas, again email is not an option because these team or group communications happen in real time which is very fast and quick. For this purpose developers have come up with an amazing application known as Asana. Asana is an easy to use application used to keep every group or team member on the same page at the same time. This helps the problem of meeting deadlines and working on ideas collectively. A perfect way to work efficiently together.

Main Features:

With Asana every team member and their ideas are on the same page which helps to save time and work efficiently.
• Create, prioritize, and assign tasks in real time
• Stay up-to-date with mobile Inbox and real time push notifications
• Find tasks, projects, data, members and tags with quick search option.
• Add due dates, recurring tasks, followers, and tags
• Attaching files, documents and images to tasks is very easy
• Sync files and folders with Dropbox
• Assigned tasks are easily visible
• Pilot yourself to new projects by seeing their status
• Changes made in the app sync in real-time

Entrepreneurship over Job? How to do it right Mr.Steve Jobs?


Difference between Entrepreneurship & Job:

Entrepreneurship is the process of starting a business or other organization. The entrepreneur develops a business model, acquires the human and other required resources, and is fully responsible for its success or failure.
A group of homogeneous tasks related, by the similarity of functions performed by an employee in an exchange for pay is Job. Employees working for an organization or a company are hired for different jobs.

So it’s a choice between Job and Entrepreneurship then, which one is better?
As we all know, some of us excel in corporate environments; while others excel in the entrepreneurial arena. Climbing the corporate ladder is not an easy task. On the corporate side, majority of the workers do not feel engaged or inspired at their jobs and feel that they are not reaching their full potential. Many employees are not “satisfied” with their current career in the corporate arena. Entrepreneurship is certainly not the easiest task either. On the entrepreneurial side, an entrepreneur’s life may be riddled with ambiguity, long hours, sacrifice, and setbacks.

Let’s have a look at some of the Pros and Cons of leaving a Job for Entrepreneurship.


• You can devote all of your time to your new endeavour.
• One of the biggest changes you must get used to when starting your own business is the fact that you now make your own schedule.
• Without a boss or manager to assign tasks to you, it’s up to you to decide what needs to be done and in what order.
• Entrepreneurs have vision. They understand the big picture and every aspect of a business.


• It can be a drastic change if you don’t have enough cash to see you through the early stages.
• When you first start out, you will probably have to work more hours than a typical employee.
• If work list is not prioritized, there is chance you might waste time on useless tasks.
• When you run the business, however, everything falls on your shoulders. This means that excuses of any kind won’t do you any good.

Here are a few very specific things that up-and-comers can learn from Steve Jobs’ example:22-young-steve-jobs-apple

1. Customer experience should be centre of attention. Steve Jobs was a master at getting into customers minds. He knew what a potential customer and how he wanted it.
2. Have an eye for beauty and detail. It was not possible to just work well but it had to look perfect as well. Steve Jobs always knew that the products had to feel superior to touch, the products should be amusing and user friendly to use and be remarkably beautiful to look at so that customers stay focused on the product at all the times.
3. Promote innovation. There was a time when products like an iPhone and iPad where not even present in the thoughts of people. Steve Jobs decided to be innovative, so he created products which became the central point of our lives and now the world cannot even imagine living without these products.
4. Persevere brilliance. Steve Jobs wanted his colleagues and workers to have a broad vision while working and have an innovative best replica watches and open mind to not miss even the tiniest of the details. He kept motivating people around him so that they can perform up to their maximum levels.
In the end if there is one significant thing to learn from Steve Jobs is, customers are very important and all the focus should be on them.

It is a very important decision, to make the transition from being an employee to an entrepreneur gradually or rapidly, one thing is certain that eventually one has to adjust to a totally different set of rules and regulations. It will probably take some time to fully accept the changes on both sides, whichever is the focus. To face this challenge one can always be prepared before hand by learning from others experience or listening to veteran entrepreneurs. One should keep in mind that there are also some other important lessons that will be leaned by going through the transitioning. Finally according to my research it is a great idea to leave a job and go ahead with entrepreneurship.

Did you also left your job for your own business? How’s it going so far? Any tips for newbies out there?

Please comment.