I often come across fellows who are struggling to do something big. They are actually good human beings but despite trying hard, they don’t reach anywhere. I used to wonder the reason for it but then one day I confronted such a man in my life. I like to call them ‘the white sheep’ among us.
I consider myself lucky in business so far. I know I can work smart and am awfully calm in things others mostly panic about. My belief is that other person’s success or failure shouldn’t affect me in any way. Thankfully, they don’t.
In fact, you will often find me tagging my fellow mates businesses and promoting them shamelessly on my social network profiles. I believe that if I have a voice that can reach few, my fellow entrepreneurs deserve a shout out for working so hard. In short, I have no competitors. I only compete with me. Neither my goal is to be a millionaire overnight, I am grateful with the profit every month and am in a bliss that I enjoy what I do. It comes naturally to me.
Now about those white sheep, I know that they work harder than me in many aspects. They think more, plan more, obsess more and read more but due the insecurity that they live with, they don’t execute much. If you take a stand on behalf of them, they panic. They feel like what if that person can do it better that we could’ve done it. They’ve a block in their mind which calls for defending their right to do things a certain way in which they don’t want help. They think that they are the best so any help that they can get can actually take away the credit from them.
I feel sad for them but I don’t pity them. I know they can do so much once they make their mind. I also know that they can actually change the world but as long as they play solo, they are entangled in the never-ending loop. Watch them carefully. They can turn the tables upside down but they can also demotivate you in the process of your success.
If you are the white sheep, I’ve following suggestions for you:
– Not everyone is your competitor, some are there to support you as well. Let them in
– You can’t be the Jack of all trades. Try to hire experts in other fields to help you along.
– It’s okay to do things without thinking for 2 years. Try to execute more and plan less.
– In the end, giving will make you bigger. It will not shrink you further. Try to give where possible. In terms of knowledge or acceptance.