Entrepreneurship over Job? How to do it right Mr.Steve Jobs?


Difference between Entrepreneurship & Job:

Entrepreneurship is the process of starting a business or other organization. The entrepreneur develops a business model, acquires the human and other required resources, and is fully responsible for its success or failure.
A group of homogeneous tasks related, by the similarity of functions performed by an employee in an exchange for pay is Job. Employees working for an organization or a company are hired for different jobs.

So it’s a choice between Job and Entrepreneurship then, which one is better?
As we all know, some of us excel in corporate environments; while others excel in the entrepreneurial arena. Climbing the corporate ladder is not an easy task. On the corporate side, majority of the workers do not feel engaged or inspired at their jobs and feel that they are not reaching their full potential. Many employees are not “satisfied” with their current career in the corporate arena. Entrepreneurship is certainly not the easiest task either. On the entrepreneurial side, an entrepreneur’s life may be riddled with ambiguity, long hours, sacrifice, and setbacks.

Let’s have a look at some of the Pros and Cons of leaving a Job for Entrepreneurship.


• You can devote all of your time to your new endeavour.
• One of the biggest changes you must get used to when starting your own business is the fact that you now make your own schedule.
• Without a boss or manager to assign tasks to you, it’s up to you to decide what needs to be done and in what order.
• Entrepreneurs have vision. They understand the big picture and every aspect of a business.


• It can be a drastic change if you don’t have enough cash to see you through the early stages.
• When you first start out, you will probably have to work more hours than a typical employee.
• If work list is not prioritized, there is chance you might waste time on useless tasks.
• When you run the business, however, everything falls on your shoulders. This means that excuses of any kind won’t do you any good.

Here are a few very specific things that up-and-comers can learn from Steve Jobs’ example:22-young-steve-jobs-apple

1. Customer experience should be centre of attention. Steve Jobs was a master at getting into customers minds. He knew what a potential customer and how he wanted it.
2. Have an eye for beauty and detail. It was not possible to just work well but it had to look perfect as well. Steve Jobs always knew that the products had to feel superior to touch, the products should be amusing and user friendly to use and be remarkably beautiful to look at so that customers stay focused on the product at all the times.
3. Promote innovation. There was a time when products like an iPhone and iPad where not even present in the thoughts of people. Steve Jobs decided to be innovative, so he created products which became the central point of our lives and now the world cannot even imagine living without these products.
4. Persevere brilliance. Steve Jobs wanted his colleagues and workers to have a broad vision while working and have an innovative best replica watches and open mind to not miss even the tiniest of the details. He kept motivating people around him so that they can perform up to their maximum levels.
In the end if there is one significant thing to learn from Steve Jobs is, customers are very important and all the focus should be on them.

It is a very important decision, to make the transition from being an employee to an entrepreneur gradually or rapidly, one thing is certain that eventually one has to adjust to a totally different set of rules and regulations. It will probably take some time to fully accept the changes on both sides, whichever is the focus. To face this challenge one can always be prepared before hand by learning from others experience or listening to veteran entrepreneurs. One should keep in mind that there are also some other important lessons that will be leaned by going through the transitioning. Finally according to my research it is a great idea to leave a job and go ahead with entrepreneurship.

Did you also left your job for your own business? How’s it going so far? Any tips for newbies out there?

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